Leuven Hospital Belgium
The Leuven Cancer Institute (LKI) brings together all the activities related to cancer medicine at the university hospital UZ Leuven in one organizational structure. It's a strategic, multidisciplinary institute that coordinates both clinical and basic research. Furthermore, it gathers the competence of all medics and paramedics in the daily practice, to create and achieve the maximum operational value, scale and quality. Research in cancer research is mainly situated in the Department of Oncology and the Center for Human Genetics More information is available on the LKI-website .
In addition, the University of Leuven and the French-speaking Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) are establishing a centre for proton therapy with the help of the University Hospital Ghent (UZ Gent). Leuven and UCL are investing €40 million in the centre, which will be set up at the University Hospital Leuven (UZ Leuven).
The center will accommodate doctors from UZ Leuven, UZ Gent and the University Hospital Saint-Luc. But other university and non-university hospitals can also join the project to treat their patients. Researchers and experts from the industrial sector will collaborate in the centre to further develop proton therapy treatments.
Proton therapy is especially effective to treat cancers in children and rare cancers in adults, such as tumors near the optic nerve. Doctors in Belgium are currently using the therapy to help more than 200 patients per year.