Belgium Beer Raspberry
4.53/5 rDev +23.4%
look: 4 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
12 oz bottle, poured into a goblet
Appearance: Pours a beautiful, clear, deep, dark, mahogany color, speckled with reddish highlights and an eighth of a finger of white-colored head that formed a thick halo of foam that gripped the sides of the glass.
Aroma: Wow! Very aromatic and inviting! Massive aromas of rich, complex, fruity, sweet, raspberries and dark chocolate. There is also some aromas of bready, toasted malt and brown sugar, imparting notes of sweet cake. The predominate aroma of this beer, however, is delicious, mouth-watering, bright, fruity, raspberries and earthy, rich, semi-sweet, dark chocolate.
Taste: Damn, that delicious! Strong, massive really, flavors of delicious, mouth-watering, bright, fruity, raspberries and earthy, rich, semi-sweet, dark chocolate up front, followed by some bready, toasted malt, but like the aroma, the predominate flavor of this beer, however, is delicious, mouth-watering, bright, fruity, raspberries and earthy, rich, semi-sweet, dark chocolate. I love it!
Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and nicely effervescent as there is a ton of carbonation to lift the raspberry flavor over the palate and tickle the taste buds. With an ABV of 6.5%, there is no alcohol on the palate.
Overall: Wow! What an unbelievably delicious beer! Tons of delicious, mouth-watering, bright, fruity, raspberries and earthy, rich, semi-sweet, dark chocolate wrapped up in an effervescent, crisp, quaff! Special and delicious! A fantastic beer, New Belgium, a fantastic beer! Highly, highly recommended!