Belgium Weather Year round
48°F 8°C
3 in 8 cm
74°F 23°C
53°F 11°C
9 cm
73°F 22°C
4 in
65°F 18°C
43°F 6°C
2 in 4 cm
34°F 1°C
40°F 4°C
25°F -3°C
1 in 3 cm
Belgium is a West European country with a typical sea-climate. It's never very cold or hot, never very dry either. There is a lot of rainfall, and in spring/autumn there might be rain for days.
For all tourist attractions and cities, some sun does wonders. So May to September are better than the winter months, although the art cities (Bruges, Antwerp, Gent, Leuven) can be enjoyed year round.
In theory, one can ski in Belgium but this is to be avoided: there are no decent slopes, no decent material is for rent in the 'resorts', and there is only enough snow for 0 to 10 days per year.
Because of steep energy prices, the mild climate, and the fact that it is often considered an "unneeded luxury, " air conditioning is NOT widely available. Most recent shops have it, and upmarket hotels, but private houses and most offices don't. Most hospitals even don't have airconditioning except in some departments.
Average day temperatures in Dec-Feb is between 5 and 10 C, Feb-May 10-20C, in Jun-Sep 15-25C, in Oct 10-20C, in Nov 5-10C. Canals freeze about every 12 years. Last time was 1997...
So one day you might have 5C and rain, the next day 12C and sun. In summer there are about 20 days around 25C and 10 days around 30C. So air conditioning is a big luxury. Most B&Bs and hotels provide fans to cool the room so you may want to only go into your room to sleep and enjoy the good weather while it's there. The next day it might rain! As Brugge is close to the sea a seabreeze tempers the warmest days.
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