IKEA Brussels Belgium
In Ikea's Christmas spot from Belgium, a gang of mischievous young boys are up to something - but what exactly are they doing as they sneak into one of their houses at night and take down the Christmas tree?
The ad, by DDB Brussels, is the first holiday spot by Ikea Belgium and (although parents might be hoping their own kids don't get any ideas from it) its message is the the one thing that really matters during the holiday season is being together with the people you love.
Miguel Aguza, head of communications, Ikea Belgium, said in a statement: "More than anything, the holiday season is about coming together and celebrating each other. Some people buy expensive gifts, others choose to simply cook a nice dinner, and put a candle on the table. To us, it doesn't matter how you celebrate Christmas, we just want you to realise that the essence of Christmas is being together. And although the role of the brand might seem small in this story, it isn't in real life."