Belgium to Bruges train
What is the minimum price of a ticket from Bruxelles to Brugge?
The minimum price of a train ticket from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges) is €14.3. To buy train tickets from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges) for the lowest price possible, we recommend that you book your tickets as early as possible. Tickets go on sale usually 3 months in advance, yet in some rare cases this can be up to 6 months. For more precise information on when you can book your tickets or whether there are any promotional sales, click here.
How long does it take to travel from Bruxelles to Brugge by train?
The average journey time between Bruxelles (Brussels) and Brugge (Bruges) is 1 hour and 1 minute and the fastest journey time is 55 minutes. On an average weekday, there are 72 trains per day travelling from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges). The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use our journey planner on this page to search for a specific travel date.
What time is the first and last train of the day from Bruxelles to Brugge?
The first train from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges) departs at 00:29. The last train from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges) departs at 23:24. Trains that depart in the early morning hours or very late evening may be sleeper services. Alternatively, some popular routes may run throughout the night at a reduced frequency. There may also be less services on weekends and holidays; use our journey planner on this page to search for a specific travel date.
Are there direct train services between Bruxelles and Brugge?
Yes, it is possible to travel from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges) without having to change trains. There are 55 direct trains from Bruxelles (Brussels) to Brugge (Bruges). Though there may be fewer direct services available depending on your exact departure date.