How to call USA from Belgium?
- Dial 00, the exit code that signals you're about to dial an international number.
- Although most European countries use 00 as an exit code, not all countries do. The exit code when dialing from the United States and Canada, for example, is 011.
- Dial 1, the country code for the United States.
- The United States country code is always 1, no matter where you're calling from.
- Dial the three-digit area code. All area codes in the United States are three digits long, and mobile phones are usually assigned to the area code where service was first established.
- If a person moves and retains cell phone service, the cell phone's area code does not change. So one person might have a cell phone and a fixed phone line with two different area codes.
- Toll-free numbers also have a three-digit prefix, although the prefixes are not location-specific. Toll-free prefixes in the United States include 800, 888, 877 and 866.
- For a map of US area codes, visit
- Dial the 7-digit phone number. All US phone numbers are 7 digits plus the 3-digit area code.
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- Note that although Belgium and most areas of the United States observe some version of Daylight Saving Time or Summer Time, the timing is somewhat different. In Belgium, Summer Time starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October. In those parts of the United States that observe Daylight Saving Time, it begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.
- The continental United States spans four time zones: Eastern Standard Time (EST), which is GMT -5; Central Standard Time (CST), which is GMT -6; Mountain Standard Time (MST), which is GMT -7; and Pacific Standard Time, which is GMT -8. Alaska occupies its own time zone, Alaska Standard Time, which is GMT -9, and Hawaiian Standard Time is GMT -10.
- Parts of the United States that do not observe Daylight Saving Time include Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, parts of Indiana, the Virgin Islands, and Arizona, with the exception of the Navajo Indian Reservation, which does observe Daylight Saving Time.
- Direct-dialing an international call can be very expensive. Consult your carrier for information about whether you can get cheaper rates by calling during off-peak hours. You can also purchase calling cards for cheaper rates, or use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) programs like Skype to place your call.
Source: www.wikihow.com