New Belgium Snapshot Review
3.69/5 rDev +3.4%
look: 3.75 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
-spiegelau ipa glass.
A: A billowing chalky white head builds on the pour to a massive size that exhibited an outstanding rate of retention. Hazy tangerine orange with an explosive nature of effervesce within.
S: Tart musky lemon, tart tangerine, with some wet hay. Decent level of awareness, some wheat stalks.
T: Flavor was citrusy with some sweet candy orange notes, malt sugars, followed by a tart and musky lemon hopping. Quenching lemon juice, soothing sourness adds just the right amount of tart character like a old time lemonade.
M: Nice fluffy fullness, wheat, oily, and tart with a juice like consistency.
O: Wet, tart, and juicy citrusy-lemon wheat beer, with a very good rate of drink-ability. A great summertime quencher that you can enjoy in multiples. Gentle level of sourness, beats the heat poolside with relaxed atmosphere where you can just drink, and enjoy the soothing tart lemon nature.