New Belgium Winter Beer
Very dark brown with a smallish, but stable tan head. Toasted to lightly roasted malt, herbal and citric hops along with a touch of cocoa. Sweet roasted malt flavors start, dark chocolate, some citric zest bite in the middle. Finish provides additional bitterness and touch of tar. 12/12
Bottles drunk Winter 2013
Dark ebony with cocoa tints and high clarity. Dark beige head shows a bit better retention than most NBs.
Nose actually contains hops. Cascade-like citrus notes with light pine and grapefruit arent exactly wonderful, but you almost feel good that it doesnt smell like stale seawater. Roast isnt too heavy, adding light coffee suggestions and a hint of vanilla. It mixes together pretty well but for the strong breadiness that someone disrupts it. No alcohol or flaw.
In the mouth its got a decently malty texture. Nothing terribly supple, but passable, with oily, lightly char-filled roasted notes and green, piney hops. Moderate bitterness, overcarbonated but better than average for this brewery (which still isnt saying much).
12oz bottle pours out dark brown almost black topped with a tan head. Nose is pine citrus hops some light roast malts and a little chocolate. Taste is more of the pine citrus hop combo along with the roast malts.
Pours a deep dark orangish amber color. Aromas of big hop action, sweet malts, and more hops. Flavor has some caramel malty tastes with nice grapefruit and floral hop taste.
Bottle from mixed sampler.pours black with khaki head...decent lacing...nose is minimal with a little malt...mouth has nice hop and malt balance...sweet more than bitter...pretty good.
12oz bottle to tulip. Pours black with tan froth head. Aroma of pine, grapefruit, roasted grains and cereal. Taste of same with some caramel, raisin, earth, burnt toast. Good on a cold winters day.
Nice mellow and smooth ale for the winter season. Nothing too special but another solid option from new Belgium -Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone
Bottle: Poured into a shaker, it was black with two fingers of a frothy tan head and lacing. The aroma is roasted malts and pine needles. The flavor had some caramel malt to it. The taste was slightly bitter with a somewhat dry finish.
"12oz bottle poured into a Shaker at 40°. Color is a deep brown near black with good carbonation and a rocky light tan head. Aroma is a bright fresh hop scent. It has a medium body and smooth mouth feel. Flavor is very lightly roasted malt backed by nice hop spice and flavor that gives just a hint of citrus and a mild bitterness. In the after taste the hop flavor stands out and somehow it finishes with a faint sweetness. Overall I like it, the hops are very well balanced and lean on the side of flavor rather than bitterness. I was expecting more roasted flavor from a Black IPA but this is really good the way it is.
Pours almost black with tan head. Nice lacing The aroma is toffee, roasty, pine, citus. The flavor is pine, and caramel up front with coffee roasty in the middle finished with burnt coffee much like French roast. Overall good balance and very drinkable