Bank Holidays in Belgium in 2017 | Office Holidays

Public holidays in Belgium

Beautiful Places In Belgium / February 10, 2021

holidays in belgiumAs it’s always a bummer when you travel somewhere and notice on the day of your arrival that everything’s closed, I thought it would be practical if I compiled a list of holidays in Belgium, which I’ll update each year.

In this list, you’ll find public holidays, school vacations, the National Holiday and more, sometimes with a little explanation of what goes on that day and how I spend it.

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Holidays in Belgium: what’s the deal?

Belgium has different kinds of holidays. First of all, there are the nationwide public holidays, which are like the bank holidays in the UK. On these days most Belgian businesses and organizations – except for the police stations and the hospitals – are closed. When these holidays are on a Thursday or Tuesday, businesses will often “make the bridge” and give all employees a long weekend off. If these holidays are in a weekend, however, the employer can decide whether to compensate that by giving the employees an extra day off or not.

Stores in Belgium are generally closed on Sunday, but you’ll see that there are some retail stores that do open on Sunday and instead will close for a day during the week (Although there are some exceptions – for stores in touristic places, for example – retail stores in Belgium are obliged to close for one day during the week). These stores are often also open on Public Holidays.

Then there are also the “government holidays”, or the holidays on which only governmental services close. Some of these holidays are nationwide while others are only for one of Belgium’s communities. To learn more about these communities, check out this video.

Thirdly, there are the holidays that are known and celebrated nationwide, but during which businesses and schools stay open, like Saint Nicholas. Then there are the school holidays and of course we also have a National Holiday.

Nationwide public Belgian holidays: summary

Date Holiday
January 1 New Year’s Day
April 16 Easter Sunday
April 17 Easter Monday
May 1 Labor Day
May 25 Ascension Day
June 4 Whit/Pentecost Sunday
June 5 Whit Monday/Pentecost Monday
July 21 Belgian National Holiday
August 15 Assumption of Mary
November 1 All Saints
November 11 Armistice Day
December 25

Governmental holidays: summary

July 11 Day of the Flemish-Speaking Community
September 27 Day of the French-Speaking Community
November 2 All Souls
November 15 Day of the German-Speaking Community
Dynasty Day (“King’s Feast”)
December 26 Second day of Christmas

Nationwide public Belgian holidays explained

January 1 – New Year’s Day
Almost nobody works on New Year’s day. Of course, hospitals are open, the police is there and if your oven catches fire, the fire department will come and put the fire out and a journalist will be there to report on it, but you get the idea. On New Year’s Day, I always sleep in and take it slow until the early evening, when we have a family get-together.
