Historical Places in Belgium
If you’re keen to discover Historic Sites in Belgium then you can explore our interactive map above or delve deeper by using the links below.
The modern nation of Belgium has a complex and varied history which spans from its early occupation by the Belgae tribe and its subsequent integration into the Roman Empire as the province of Gallia Belgica through to rule by the Franks, Spanish and Holy Roman Empire amongst others until the declaration of independence in the 19th century.
Each of these cultures has left its mark on the historical sites of Belgium, along with the more ominous sites of the WW1 battlefields which are scarred in the landscape.
There’s a excellent selection of Historic Sites in Belgium below and you can plan some great things to see on your trips by checking out our selection. Once you’ve explored the Historic Sites in Belgium you can use our itinerary planner tool to plan out your travels and then print off a free pocket guidebook.
Our database of historic sites is growing all the time, but we may not cover them all. Remember, if you know of other Historic Sites in Belgium, you can always add them to Trip Historic now by visiting our upload page.