European Capital of Culture 2015: Mons in Belgium ? | AbcPlanet

Weather in Mons Belgium

Belgium Weather / May 2, 2019

The tables below list the normal annual temperatures and rainfall plus snowfall for cities and towns in Belgium. There's also information on a year's average sunshine and humidity levels in Brussels.

The places here with weather data cover Belgium from north to south.

Ostend (also Oostende or Ostende) is a city on the Belgian coast, while Peer is in northeast Belgium. Brussels (Bruxelles, Brussel) is in central Belgium. Farther south lies the town of Saint Hubert. Virton is a town near the country's southern tip, on the French border.

The measures of temperature and precipitation are averages of data collected at weather stations from 1971 to 2000. The humidity and sunshine numbers are averages for 1981 to 2010.


Average annual temperatures
High °F Low °F Place High °C Low °C
57 44 Brussels 14
56 43 Ostend 13
58 41 Peer
51 39 Saint Hubert 11


Average total precipitation a year
Days Inches Milli­metres
135 32.3 820
126 30.0 762
136 32.4 822
160 43.4 1101
141 39.8 1011

Sunshine — Brussels gets 1546 hours of sunshine on average a year, equal to 4.2 sunny hours a day.
