Ghent Belgium train station
Getting there You can get to Ghent from Lille, Antwerp and Ostend. Best price and travel duration below.
Getting around From Ghent, you can travel to nearby cities and towns. Best price and travel duration below.
While you're there
Ghent, a typical flemish city
Dubbed the Manhattan of the Middle Ages because of its cloth-trading wealth, Ghent still thrives as a university town with cobbled streets and winding canals. Kick back by the water with a fruity Belgian beer and admire the Gothic spires of Saint-Bavo Cathedral.
Don’t hesitate to enter the cathedral as inside, you will have the chance to admire the sumptuous masterpiece "The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb", painted by the world-famous Van Eyck brothers.
The Counts Castle, from 1180, was built in the centre of the town in order to show the counts power. Climb up to the top of its keep to appreciate an amazing view onto the town. Take a walk along the "Graslei" (grass embankment), the place-to-be in Ghent, where the historic houses are the symbols of an important economic development in the past.
Don’t leave without enjoying the atmosphere of Ghent at night when it lights up from everywhere.
Train Station(s)
Trains are a convenient way of reaching many towns and cities throughout Europe. The majority of cities in Europe have a minimum of one train station, while larger, more populated cities have two or more stations. Train stations, in general, are located in the heart of the city. Review the map below to get an idea of where the train station(s) in Ghent can be found.