Namur Belgium Weather
The SWWT is a forum open to European experts in a variety of both scientific and application oriented fields relating to space weather. The SWWT plays an important role in advising ESA in space weather strategy and acts as a forum for discussion amongst the European space weather community. The SWWT is responsible for promoting coordinated European space weather activities at both national and industry levels. The SWWT seeks to identify and discuss potential collaborations and/or synergies with other structures or organisations such as the EC FP7 & COST programmes and others. SWWT membership is open to representatives of any European university, institute or company, or international organisation currently undertaking space weather related activities or affected by space weather. For further information about becoming a member of the SWWT, contact A. Glover or S. Poedts.
Contact Information
If you want to send emails to the SWWT mailing list, please use the address: swwt@jiscmail.ac.uk
If you want to change your list subscription or visit the list archives, please visit the URL: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/swwt
Topical Working Groups
Several "Topical Working Groups (TWGs)" maintain regular contact via email. TWG are responsible for initiating projects, discussing new advances and/or progress in existing research and service development. All members of the SWWT are invited to participate in the TWGs. The current list of TWGs is as follows:
- Drivers of Space Weather (e.g. solar, S-T, including future missions and instrumentation)
SWWT History
The SWWT was set up to coincide with the start of ESA's two parallel space weather studies in 1999 and originally consisted of approximately 30 SWWT members coming from a variety of backgrounds and ESA member states. During the period in which the parallel studies were carried out, the main SWWT goal was to ensure that both the RAL and Alcatel-Space led consortia were aware of as many European space weather related assets as possible. In 2003 the SWWT became open to the wider European space weather community during the Space Weather Application Pilot Project. During this phase of the SWWT the SWWT assisted ESA in evaluating the lessons learned from the operation of the pilot project and how these changes could be implemented within a strategy for any future space weather programme. With SWWT membership steadily growing it was decided in 2006 to create the SWWT Steering Board (third phase of the SWWT). On 1 Jan. 2009 the SWWT entered its fourth phase with the formal launch of the ESA Space Situational Awareness Preparatory Programme (SSA-PP). Today the SWWT has grown into a community of more than 200 members covering a wide range of disciplines and nationalities. The SWWT was initially chaired by Dr. Roger Gendrin. Thereafter, Prof. Willi Riedler chaired the SWWT between December 2001 and May 2003. Following this, Dr. Francois Lefeuvre was elected by the membership in June 2003, acting in this capacity until early 2006. Following elections, Dr. Mike Hapgood took up the post of Chair in June 2006. In 2009 Dr. Norma Crosby was elected as SWWT Chair. Most recently Prof. Stefaan Poedts (K.U. Leuven) was elected as Chair in 2012.